The ekey bionyx third-party integration API ( allows anyone to configure an ekey bionyx device to send requests to their API. More specifically, the API allows to add function webhooks to ekey bionyx. Function webhooks are nothing more than a definition of an HTTP request that your API accepts.
A function webhook can be used like any native function of a device (e.g. relay), meaning that users can configure devices to execute the functions when fingers match. Moreover, users can execute the function remotely over our secured channel through the ekey bionyx cloud. In any case, the device itself will request the configured function webhook. This allows to send requests to APIs in the local network in which the ekey bionyx device has been activated. As long as the device has means of reaching the server where the function shall be triggered, it will do so.
Setting up a function webhook
In the figure below, you can see the general sequence of how the system is set up to work with function webhooks.
Image integrator system:
Activating the smart home API
To start using function webhooks in a system, the system owner has to log into the ekey bionyx app and activate the smart home integration API. From this point on, the user can configure HTTP requests in the ekey bionyx app and the integrator system can use the ekey bionyx third-party integration API to integrate ekey bionyx.
For a step-by-step guide of this step with app screenshots, go to 1: Activating a third-party interface
Authenticating and configuring functions
The integrator system has to log the user in. This is done via OAuth 2.0.
Once the user is logged in with the integrator system, the system can configure any functions it has to offer. Once this is done, these functions are visible in the ekey bionyx app of the logged-in user.
For technical details, go to 2: Authenticating and configuring functions
Executing functions
The user can then assign one or more functions to every finger in the system.
This will cause the affected devices to update their internal rule logic.
This rule logic will run the next time a finger matches - leading to a request of the function webhook and triggering the desired function.
For a step-by-step guide of this step with app screenshots, go to 3: Testing and assigning function webhooks to fingers.