Documentation Notification API

What is the Notification API?

It is an interface for notifying external systems about access actions in the ekey bionyx system, providing precise user assignment. This is based on the HTTP(S) requests that are sent directly from the controller. This means that the data can be sent in the local network.

Here we would like to show you, what you will get from the Notification API and how to use it.

How to activate the Notification API?

To activate the Notification API go to Settings → Smart Home Connections → Activate Notification API

How are the notifications sent?

The structure of the request is determined by ekey

  • Directory path

  • JSON content

  • POST method

Customer/integrator can determine some basics

  • Basic URL (host name, port)

  • MDNS also possible (mdns-name.local)

  • Customer has to implement HTTP/S server

  • Timeout

  • Security

  • Authentication

All notifications triggered by finger will have URL/api/notification/finger and all notifications triggered by input will have URL/api/notification/input in the address.

When are notifications sent?

  • Finger was recognised

  • Rule exists

  • Rule present but filter active (schedule, deactivated user → user without function)

  • No rule available

  • Finger was not recognised

  • However, match quality of the finger image must be given (fingertip, etc. are not notified)

  • Digital input is triggered

Content of Notification Body

Name Value Description/Example Data type
Time and Date time 2024-03-27T10:22:58Z string
Input Typde type 10 Integer
Result result 10 Integer
Result Detail detail 10 Integer
Executing Device ctlDevId 4500080101000001 String
Acquiring Device acqDevId 4500070101000001 String
User ID userId tKlLpvUa String
Finger Index fingerIndex 2 Integer
Digital Input inputNumber 1 Integer
Input Trigger trigger posedge String

The time is specified in UTC.

Input Type Values

Name Value
Finger 10
Digital Input 20

Result Values

Name Value
Unknown 0
Match 10
Filtered Match* 20
No Match 30
  • schedule, deactivated user;

Result Detail Values

Name Value
Unknown 0
Input Disabled 10
Time Schedule 20
No Rule Found 30
No Input Found 40
Invalid Input 50

Finger Index

Name Value
Left Little Finger -5
Left Ring Finger -4
Left Middle Finger -3
Left Index Finger -2
Left Thumb -1
None 0
Right Thumb 1
Right Index Finger 2
Right Middle Finger 3
Right Ring Finger 4
Right Little Finger 5

If a ‘null’ is returned instead of a value, then no further information is available.

System Export – Mapping

To see the mapping of your notifications request body, you will get a .JSON file to export from the ekey bionyx app. In that file there are your current users and devices with names and IDs listed.

Example Request Bodies

Here we would like to show some examples, how the request bodies will look for certain events.

Positive Match – green

  "type": 10,
  "result": 10,
  "detail": null,
  "time": "2024-05-29T15:47:42Z",
  "ctlDevId": "4500080101000035",
  "acqDevId": "4500070101000025",
  "params": {
    "userId": "tKlLpvUa",
    "fingerIndex": 2

Digital Input

  "type": 20,
  "result": 20,
  "detail": 10,
  "time": "2024-05-06T09:16:43Z",
  "ctlDevId": "4500080101000035",
  "acqDevId": "4500080101000035",
  "params": {
    "inputNumber": 1,
    "trigger": "posedge"

Rejection – Invalid Input – red

  "type": 10,
  "result": 30,
  "detail": 50,
  "time": "2024-05-29T10:31:14Z",
  "ctlDevId": "4500080101000035",
  "acqDevId": "4500070101000025",
  "params": {
    "userId": null,
    "fingerIndex": null

Rejection – Unknown Input – green/red

  "type": 10,
  "result": 30,
  "detail": 40,
  "time": "2024-05-29T10:15:16Z",
  "ctlDevId": "4500080101000035",
  "acqDevId": "4500070101000025",
  "params": {
    "userId": null,
    "fingerIndex": null

Rejection – Schedule – green/red

  "type": 10,
  "result": 20,
  "detail": 20,
  "time": "2024-05-29T15:47:34Z",
  "ctlDevId": "4500080101000035",
  "acqDevId": "4500070101000025",
  "params": {
    "userId": "tKlLpvUa",
    "fingerIndex": 2


For testing the whole process, you can use the following site in your browser. There you will get a predetermined URL and you just have to copy it into the Notification API URL area.