Adding HTTPS requests with the ekey bionyx app
Select “HTTP(S) request” and press the floating action button with the “plus” icon.
Now you can add the details of your request.
- Select a suitable icon for you function.
- Type in the name of the function (Light on, Lock door, etc.).
- Type in the name of the location where the function should take place (Living room, Garage, etc.).
- Select the desired METHOD of the HTTPS request (POST, GET, etc.).
- Type in the URL of the third-party API including the function you want to execute (https://…).
- If needed, you can send Request header and Request body to transfer more information.
- Select your authentication (API Key, Allow HTTP, etc.). It is part of the security measures and one of the essential steps when adding HTTPS requests.
- Select the ekey device which should execute the HTTPS request (ekey xLine control unit, ekey dLine control unit, etc. )
- Now test the HTTPS request by pressing the “Test” button at the top.
- Save the HTTPS request.
All added HTTPS requests are stored in the ekey bionyx app. Press the user icon and search for smart home connections. By pressing “HTTP(S) request”, you will see the added requests. Here you can edit or delete existing requests and set up new requests by pressing the plus icon.